“Waiting on the Lord can be like waiting for the punchline of a cosmic joke.

You’re standing there with life’s absurdity all around you, and when you think you can’t possibly handle any more chaos, the universe delivers a dose of divine humor.

It’s like waiting for the grand finale of a chaotic circus act, and just when you’re about to lose your balance, the LORD steps in with a safety net, reminding you that sometimes the best way to restore balance to your life is to trust in HIS higher power and embrace the unexpected punchlines while clinging to INVISIBLE THREADS that are a beautiful tapestry of LOVE from ABOVE.”

Why is it always ten things JUST waiting around the bend:

1. Traffic congestion

2. Long lines at the grocery store or bank

3. Waiting for a delayed flight or train

4. Slow internet connection

5. Waiting for a scheduled delivery or repair service

6. Queueing for popular attractions or events

7. Waiting for a response to an email or message

8. Waiting for a job interview or appointment

9. Anticipating important news or test results

10. Waiting for a friend or family member who is running late

Impatient, restless, irritable, agitated folks often find it difficult to wait and may exhibit the following behaviors while they TRY to wait in ease:

1. Tapping their feet or fingers

2. Checking the time frequently

3. Exhibiting signs of irritability or frustration

4. Sighing or rolling their eyes

5. Pacing back and forth

6. Complaining or expressing their impatience to others

7. Attempting to find ways to expedite the waiting process

8. Engaging in distractions such as browsing their phone or reading

9. Attempting to find alternative solutions to avoid waiting

10. Expressing their impatience verbally or non-verbally

You know I have TEN other factors that can hinder your happiness:

1. Negative thinking and rumination

2. Feeling a lack of control over the situation

3. Allowing impatience to overshadow the present moment

4. Focusing solely on the desired outcome

5. Allowing the wait to lead to stress and anxiety

6. Allowing the wait to create a sense of powerlessness

7. Allowing the wait to overshadow other positive aspects of life

8. Allowing impatience to affect interactions with others

9. Allowing the wait to disrupt productivity and focus

10. Allowing the wait to overshadow gratitude for the present moment

Leaning on the Holy Spirit can ease the negative effects of waiting in the following ways:

1. Providing comfort and assurance during times of impatience

2. Offering a sense of peace and patience while waiting

3. Guiding individuals to focus on gratitude and positivity

4. Offering strength to cope with the challenges of waiting

5. Providing a sense of purpose and trust in the divine timing of events

6. Encouraging individuals to practice mindfulness and living in the present moment

7. Offering wisdom and guidance to deal with impatience constructively

8. Promoting a sense of hope and faith during the waiting period

9. Helping individuals to find inner calm and resilience while waiting

10. Promoting positive connections with others and fostering empathy during times of waiting

Because the attributes of the Holy Spirit are often described as:

1. Wisdom

2. Understanding

3. Counsel

4. Fortitude

5. Knowledge

6. Piety

7. Fear of the Lord

8. Love

9. Joy

10. Peace

11. Patience

12. Kindness

13. Goodness

14. Faithfulness

15. Gentleness

16. Self-control

These traditional gifts are derived from the Bible and are often linked to the story of Pentecost from the Book of Acts in the New Testament. During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, empowering them with these gifts and enabling them to spread the teachings of YESHUA JESUS CHRIST.

This event is central to the Christian faith and is celebrated as a significant feast in many denominations. Pentecost is a significant event in the Christian faith that is celebrated as a feast in many denominations. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of YESHUA JESUS CHRIST, as described in the New Testament book of Acts.

According to the biblical account, the event took place 50 days after Easter, which is why it is called Pentecost, from the Greek word “Pentekosté,” meaning “fiftieth.”

During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in the form of “tongues of fire,” and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, empowering them with various spiritual gifts. These gifts include wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The apostles, who were previously afraid and uncertain, became bold and began to speak in different languages, which enabled them to communicate the teachings of YESHUA JESUS CHRIST to people of various nationalities and languages, leading to the rapid spread of Christianity.

Pentecost is often seen as the birthday of the Christian church and is a time for believers to recognize and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. It is a reminder of the spiritual empowerment and guidance that the Holy Spirit provides to believers, equipping them to carry out God’s work and share the message of Jesus Christ with the world.

Just BREATHE ~ because you can!

Truly WAITING on the Lord to help us regain equilibrium, we can find comfort in the humor of life’s divine comedy and trust that the punchline will be worth the wait in this GREEN SCREEN MADNESS full of sadness.

1. Take deep breaths: Inhale deeply and exhale slowly to calm your mind.

2. Count to ten: Pausing and counting to ten can provide a moment for rational thinking to override emotions.

3. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the present moment and acknowledge your feelings without judgment.

4. Take a break: Step away from the situation to give yourself time to cool down and gain perspective.

5. Physical activity: Engage in a quick physical activity such as a short walk to release built-up tension.

6. Positive self-talk: Remind yourself of your capabilities and affirm that you can handle the situation calmly.

7. Use calming techniques: Visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, or reciting a calming mantra can help reset your mindset.

8. Seek support: Reach out to a trusted friend or colleague for a brief chat or a listening ear.

9. Identify triggers: Recognize what triggers your frustration and work towards addressing these triggers in the future.

10. Reflect and reevaluate: Take a moment to reflect on the situation and consider alternative perspectives or solutions.

One well-known idiom related to waiting and counting sheep is “watching the pot never boils.” This idiom, often used in English-speaking countries, conveys the idea that time seems to pass more slowly when one anxiously waits for something to happen.

In Assyrian, the phrase “ܩܕܡ ܥܩܒܗ ܥܝܒ” (qadam eqvah ‘eev)  is used to convey the idea of waiting and counting sheep. This phrase can be translated to “stacking the steps of sheep,” which parallels the concept of counting sheep to pass the time or to manage impatience while waiting for something to happen. It reflects the universal practice of finding ways to occupy the mind during periods of waiting or anticipation.

In Armenian, the idiom “Գնալ ընդ մութ կոտնին” (gnal yend moot’ kot’nin) is often used to convey the idea of waiting and counting sheep. This idiom directly translates to “going behind the thin sheep,” referring to the act of counting or herding sheep to pass the time. Just like the common practice of counting sheep to help with falling asleep, this idiom captures the notion of waiting or passing time in a light-hearted and relatable way.

In Spanish, there’s an idiom “contar las horas como ovejas” which translates to “counting the hours like sheep.” This idiom reflects the act of trying to fall asleep by counting sheep, implying an attempt to pass the time while waiting for a particular event or moment.

Similarly, in French, there’s an idiom “compter les moutons” which literally means “counting the sheep,” used to describe the act of attempting to fall asleep by counting sheep, but also symbolizes waiting or passing time in a somewhat monotonous manner.

In Celtic, the English equivalent idiom “counting sheep” is often used to describe the act of attempting to fall asleep by visualizing or imagining the counting of sheep. While there may not be a direct translation of this idiom into the Celtic language, the concept of counting sheep to aid in sleep and relaxation is widely recognized and understood across different cultures and languages, including those with Celtic roots, like I do.

Once upon a time in the verdant hills of the Celtic lands, there existed a tradition as old as time itself. It was the tradition of Celtic lullabies – melodic whispers that traversed through generations, carrying with them the soothing essence of ancient wisdom and the gentle touch of maternal love.

In the evening’s twilight, as the golden sun dipped beneath the horizon, mothers and grandmothers would cradle their little ones in their arms. With tender voices that echoed the songs of their ancestors, they would weave enchanting lullabies, lacing them with words of comfort and solace.

The lullabies spoke of the mystical creatures of the Celtic folklore – of faeries that danced in the moonlit glens, of brave knights and noble queens, and of the gentle giants that guarded the emerald forests. Each soothing verse carried the essence of the land’s rich tapestry of myths and legends, wrapping the children in a cocoon of dreams and wonder.

The lilting melodies intertwined with the whispers of the winds and the rustling leaves, creating an enchanting symphony that filled the sleepy villages with a sense of tranquility and peace. It was said that these lullabies held the power to lull even the most restless spirits into a serene slumber, shielding them from the worries of the world.

As the night deepened, the lullabies wove through the fabric of time, carrying with them the hopes and dreams of a people deeply connected to the earth and the mysteries of the universe. And so, under the watchful gaze of the stars, the children of the Celtic lands drifted into the realm of dreams, cradled by the timeless magic of their lullabies.

The combination of magic and music has been a source of inspiration for mythology and folklore, contributing to the creation of wistful or listful monsters in various cultural narratives. In many tales, the evocative power of music has been portrayed as capable of enchanting and captivating creatures, sometimes leading to the emergence of mystical or melancholic monsters.

In myths and legends, melodies and enchantments are often depicted as having the ability to stir deep emotions, summon ancient spirits, and even evoke a sense of longing or sorrow. This evocative quality of music and magic sometimes weaves itself into tales of creatures that embody wistfulness or melancholy, such as forlorn spirits, mournful beings, or creatures trapped in an eternal state of longing.

Some stories depict mythical monsters or spirits that are drawn to haunting melodies, while others showcase creatures shaped by the sorrowful notes of ancient ballads. The fusion of music and magic in these tales often serves as a testament to the profound influence of the arts on the human experience, shaping even the mythical realms and their inhabitants into disbelief in GOD.

I truly know the existence of listful monsters that allow folklore and storytelling to highlight the deep emotional connection between music, magic, and the human psyche, portraying the power of these elements to evoke a spectrum of emotions, from joy and enchantment to yearning and wistfulness.

The Holy Spirit is one BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE while we are on this earth to raise a family and GIVE GLORY TO YAHWEH.

As believers, it is crucial for us to be warriors for Yahweh and use our voices to speak truth in the world today. There are many reasons why this is important:

1. **Sharing the Gospel**: As warriors for Yahweh, we are called to spread the Good News and share the message of Christ’s love and salvation with others. Using our voices to speak truth allows us to fulfill this calling and make disciples of all nations.

2. **Standing for righteousness**: In a world filled with moral and ethical challenges, speaking truth allows us to stand for righteousness and uphold Yahweh’s standards in our actions and words. By doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to living according to Yahweh’s will.

3. **Defending the faith**: Speaking truth involves defending our faith against falsehoods and misconceptions. It allows us to provide clarity and address misconceptions about Christianity, ensuring that the truth about our beliefs is accurately represented.

4. **Encouraging and edifying others**: Our voices can be used to encourage and edify fellow believers. By speaking truth, sharing testimonies, and offering words of wisdom, we can uplift and strengthen others in their faith journey.

5. **Challenging societal injustices**: Speaking truth empowers us to address societal injustices and advocate for the marginalized and oppressed. It allows us to shine a light on issues that need attention and work towards positive change in our communities.

6. **Resisting deception and falsehood**: In a world where deception and falsehood abound, speaking truth is a powerful way to resist the schemes of the enemy. It allows us to discern and expose falsehoods, protecting ourselves and others from being misled.

7. **Being a light in the world**: Our voices serve as a means to be a light in the world. Speaking truth allows us to reflect Yahweh’s light and share His love, wisdom, and compassion with those around us.

8. **Honoring Yahweh**: Ultimately, as warriors for Yahweh, using our voices to speak truth honors Yahweh and reflects our dedication to living in accordance with His Word and His character.

In all these ways and more, being WARRIORS for YAHWEH and speaking truth is a vital part of our faith and our mission as followers of Christ’ PLIGHT in this LIFE that sometimes comes with WEIRD STRIFE.

Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie (202) 709-HELP [4357] for Social Media Planning, Business Organization Collaboration, Grant Writing Services, Event Planning, or Community Outreach in or around Butler County, Pennsylvania. 💖 Anna Marie

So many platforms and choosing which to use is fun, yet being truthful all the time can be good as long as our bodies are in the same mood, a little too much honesty, and people tend to get their feelings hurt. So, sharing a dose of my honest thoughts &, I pray we each get enough sunshine, HUGS & coffee during any storms we face in this #LIFE ahead. 💖 Is it NOT always a CRAFT of words that makes the powerful feel on top of the WORLD? With a long arm of the law & a little POWER they can toss their weight around to DRAIN the JOY from the very depths of one’s soul to see the misery in themselves SHINE like a MIRROR to their HELL. Cast them away in the name of #JESUS!

Looking for Business Marketing or Social Media Advertising HELP?

Reach out soon; I’m sure together we can fix ANY problem with precise due diligence without hiring an employee! 💖 Anna Marie

(202) 709 – HELP [4357] Please leave a Text or Voice Message.

Email me 🌻 Please provide as much detail as you are willing to release, as it will allow me to prepare for our initial conversation. AnnaMarie@LetsHelpButler.com

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Butler County PA Collation of Churches on Facebook

Let’s Help Butler Anna Marie on Twitter

I have Personal and Professional values, PLUS integrity, honesty, & the SKILLS to promote IDEAS that get the recognized attention it deserves!

Visit Let’s Help Butler.com to find more information about me and the things I care about!

💖 Anna Marie
I hope to hear from you soon.



I used to be fun ~ then EVERYTHING came undone 🙊 —————

The scriptures say, “Have faith or you’re toast” and “Elijah saw a tiny cloud… no big deal.”

Then we plunge into a deep existential crisis, nano stuff, and a whole lot of enthusiastic words.

It’s like living in a land…


Today’s content spirals through historical and religious dates, prophetic connections, and diverse interpretations.

I humorously talk about the mishmash of traditions, human follies, and even conspiracy theories.

The jumble of dates and celebrations, from religious to Pride Month, exemplifies the chaotic salad of societal influences in which we must RECLAIM OUR TIME.

With a…

Plastic WINGS

In a world undergoing a profound reset, it’s crucial to understand the potential impact of radiation on our health and well-being.

From the harmful effects of ionizing radiation to the significance of the name JESUS across different languages and cultures, there’s a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored.

The human body’s constant process of…

Published by Anna Marie Let's Help Butler

I’m a creative thinker, designer, and planner based in Butler, Pennsylvania, and my goal is to work with people who are ready to take that NEXT step with their BLOOMING idea and TURN it into a reality. I have the proficiency to gain specific insight into your LOCAL Competitors, Customers, Supporters, and Fans, with the expertise to engage in dynamic relationship-building activities to get anything noticed using the most current advertising and marketing trends on and off of social media. With over two decades of dedicated employment, I know what it takes to GROW a brand, increase online engagement, and turn a passion into a profitable business. Cultivating the skill to commit comes naturally to me. Every project that I accept, I put my heart and soul into, and I’m ready to create your Personalized Growth Plan! At our first meeting, I will find out what your needs are. Then I’ll be able to formulate a personalized growth plan for that specific idea, believe me; my RATES are very reasonable. Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie