May The Peace of YESHUA cover those who know this temporary LIFE show is just a blip in TIME to test the strife in our plights before we make it to our final resting place beyond these sandy shores!

May HEALING come like the river peace to all that sit at YESHUAS feet!


Duty attaches to many humans, but the plan from the teachers in the sandbox shouldn’t break human trust.

The passage encourages individuals to seek peace, healing, and wisdom through YESHUA, and resist temptations of the world. It critiques those who deny spiritual growth, immerse in self-indulgence, and feed lies. The text stresses the importance of compassion, duty, actions, words, and cautions against falling prey to negative forces. Ultimately, it asserts that true warriors uphold spiritual values and fight life's battles.

Seek peace, healing, and wisdom through YESHUA, and resist temptations of the world. Don’t deny spiritual growth, or immerse in self-indulgence, and feed lies to your mind.

When you don’t give your TIME to The LORD, the store is full of soulless cracker jacks in black masks!

Liars lie & the father of lies is going to F A L L D O W N for feeding all the clowns in the drains of this strifeful life.

Are folks still called to DO SOMETHING other than self, for it is an understanding MOST folks should strive for.

WORDS matter, and the SOUL of the Nation is a stomping ground.

🦄 Will WARRIORS rise to seek the needs of those hurting from weird deeds in order to RESTORE balance under the Pine Trees of Healing?

Compassion, duty, actions, words, and cautions against falling prey to negative forces is ultimately true for WARRIORS to uphold spiritual values and fight life’s battles.

The chatter and clatter of pots and pans on some weird bandstand is HURTING the Harmony.

Green-eyed monsters cause lots of junk that just gets stuck in the gut of muts stuck in a rut of disgust.

Isn’t it funny what Wisdom and Understanding can bring you?

HUGS 💜 for The House Under God STANDS in these lands where WARRIORS rise to the plights of LIFE!

The lips of the tongue are worse than a gun & therapy comes to some in WEIRD places & spaces with funny faces.

Why do humans cling to the wrong kind of POWER by the hour, denying the Holy Spirit that puts you into a DEEP hole, sealing MUD over you?

When the wheelbarrow gets too heavy, it must be dumped & those little four-letter words get STUCK, maybe for a reason to buck the caca in the eyes that cause frowns around the towns of CLOWNS, smearing virtue of The LORD YAH GOD who gave us YESHUA & The Holy Spirit!

🍇Understanding WHY The LORD placed us in the skin we are in is a beautiful invisible thread in the heads of WARRIORS of THIS TIME, as some are called to shake the monkeys from the TREES of weird liberty of NORTH & SOUTH bloodlust dance of the past.

Vices, Vibes and Spirit Rides comes in credit filled magic games. 💖Anna Marie Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8:22 REPENT, therefore, of your wickedness, and pray to The LORD. Perhaps HE will forgive you for the intent of your heart. 23 For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and captive to iniquity". 23 Then Simon answered, "Pray to THE LORD for me, so that nothing you have said may happen to me." PAIRS WITH: The Covenant in Moab found in Deuteronomy 29:18 18Make sure there is no man or woman, clan or tribe among you today whose heart turns away from the LORD our God to go and worship the gods of those nations. Make sure there is no root among you that bears such poisonous and bitter fruit,. Taming the Tongue in Jame 3:7 - All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creaturesw of the sea are tamed and have been tamed by man. 8 but no man can tame the tounge. It is a restless evil full of deadly posion. 9 With the tongue we bless our LORD and Father, and with it we curse men, wh have been made in GOD's likeness... PAIRS WITH: Deuteronomy 32:24 24They will be wasted from hunger and ravaged by pestilence and bitter plague; I will send the fangs of wild beasts against them, with the venom of vipers that slither in the dust ...

YAH GOD hates the smell of burning branches!

Prophecy is coming!

ONE demon can STIR the pot of melting hearts.

​Bedroom communities or bedroom eyes that DENY the LIGHT of YESHUA will fail in every path where they are at!

I continue to ask The Holy Spirit for protection and guidance in LIFE for all my brother’s and sister’s in CHRIST 😇 as we RISE to the plights & defeat them with MIGHT that is outta sight!

There is evidence of razor wires after LIFE was stolen because the ORDERS to STOP weren’t rescinded 🙃

Feeding demons may open floodgates of real hate in the gates of the fields of green healings.

💔Sugar demons like hyperlocal hubristic words that they can twist into their mix of silly Trix served with sour milk.

Lots of TV’s in these lands of weirdness truly do feed lies into the minds of the blind.


YAH GOD hates the smell of burning branches!

TRUE cowards won’t ever mention The NAME OF YESHUA JESUS The Christ, in this LIFE.

DEMONS will fall ~ all of em’

the final curtain draws nigh

HUGS 💜 for The House Under God STANDS in these lands where WARRIORS rise to the plights of LIFE!

Anna Marie

Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie (202) 709-HELP [4357] for Social Media Planning, Business Organization Collaboration, Grant Writing Services, Event Planning, or Community Outreach in or around Butler County, Pennsylvania. 💖 Anna Marie

Published by Anna Marie Let's Help Butler

I’m a creative thinker, designer, and planner based in Butler, Pennsylvania, and my goal is to work with people who are ready to take that NEXT step with their BLOOMING idea and TURN it into a reality. I have the proficiency to gain specific insight into your LOCAL Competitors, Customers, Supporters, and Fans, with the expertise to engage in dynamic relationship-building activities to get anything noticed using the most current advertising and marketing trends on and off of social media. With over two decades of dedicated employment, I know what it takes to GROW a brand, increase online engagement, and turn a passion into a profitable business. Cultivating the skill to commit comes naturally to me. Every project that I accept, I put my heart and soul into, and I’m ready to create your Personalized Growth Plan! At our first meeting, I will find out what your needs are. Then I’ll be able to formulate a personalized growth plan for that specific idea, believe me; my RATES are very reasonable. Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie