The term “strawberry moon” describes the full moon in June. It is called a strawberry moon because it coincides with the strawberry harvesting season in North America. Does it appear red in some places?

​​Battles of attrition or ones of the NORTH and SOUTH all have a balance of sugar and salt that brings FOX TALES on FIRE to put down the wild dogs!

The term “strawberry moon” is associated with certain Native American tribes, particularly the Algonquin tribes. They named each full moon to mark the changing seasons. The “strawberry moon” signifies the time for harvesting ripe wild strawberries, such as the ones in my backyard, for the best cake ever made!

The Algonquian word for Strawberry Moon is “Minogiizhigad.”

Other words can be formed from the word “Minogiizhigad” using Algonquian language rules and conventions, such as “Minogiizhig,” “Minogi,” “Gad,” and others. These words may have various meanings or connotations in the Algonquian language.

Some derivative languages formed from Algonquian include Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Ojibwe, Cree, and many others, and man, oh man, I’m pretty sure they are part of THE RAINBOW SUPRISE THIS TIME around the BEND near my own backfoot folks!

These languages have distinct characteristics but share a common origin in the Algonquian language family.

They have evolved independently, giving rise to their distinct characteristics and usage within their communities. * Lead. Glass. Dirt. Hurt. WORDS with TWISTS!!!

The full moon has long been associated with various spiritual and emotional significances across different cultures and traditions. Believe me, getting to the point of the LEAD in the END of SHARP FOOD under GOOD DIRT brings BEAUTY if you WATER it!

Full STRAWBERRY moons are often seen as a time of heightened emotions, increased intuition, and deep spiritual insight. As the full moon rises, the veil between our world and other realms of consciousness is believed to become thinner. This unique phenomenon opens a gateway for transformation and releasing what no longer serves us. 

 If you, like me, have been trying to break generational curses, KEEP MOVING FORWARD in this world full of twisted things that keep poking!

In biblical prophecy, the book of Zephaniah mentions the restoration of a new language. The verse Zephaniah 3:9 states: “For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one accord.” This prophecy suggests that in the future, God will give people a pure language to unify them and enable them to worship together.

Perhaps this is why finding your people of peace is imperative in the STITCHING of TIMELINE RHYMES and rollercoasters that need OIL!

A new or pure language is often interpreted as a metaphor for unity and purity in communication, which will be established in the prophesied time of peace and righteousness, and I know for sure I’m mumbling WORDS that are meant to RESTORE things of healing in my own bubble of LIFE.

The KINGDOM COME is seen as part of the broader restoration that will occur with the coming of the Messianic age or the Millennium when Christ reigns, and YAHWEH’s will is done on Earth as it is in heaven.

Babble like a Brooke in the view that time will make sense one day for all the pain in our hey HAY days!

This new language may not necessarily be literal but could represent clear and truthful communication, free from deceit or confusion, that reflects the divine will and facilitates harmony among people.

It’s a vision of a world where the barriers that divide humanity are removed, and all can come together in worship and service to YAHWEH in this calendar dance with the Sun and Moon that brings HOWILING WATERS that sometimes have RED DYE surprises inside requiring LOTS ~ O ~ SEA ~ SALT to clean up the dirty playground bathhouses.

The idea of women being more empowered or active during a full moon could be related to the historical association of the full moon with femininity, intuition, and heightened emotional states, oh FEELINGS!!!

In mythology, the full moon is often linked to goddesses of the hunt, such as Artemis in Greek mythology and Diana in Roman mythology, who are depicted as strong, independent, and connected to nature and the lunar cycle, but cats in heat do sprinkle treats for other weirdos in wait.

These goddesses, often associated with the full moon, symbolize the empowerment of women, inspiring them to break free from societal norms and embrace their inner strength and independence from the grips on the hips that keep us from dancing in the streets with PURPOSE and PEACE sharing HUGS, HOLY KISSES and THE LOVE!

Women pursue their desires or goals more aggressively during the full moon, which could be seen as a metaphor for the assertive energy that the full moon is believed to bring; being a woman and having a cat in heat makes me quite an expert in whatever LIFE chooses to litter on my steps, including the demons that come with SMELLS of YELLOW doors.

The full moon’s spiritual meaning often includes themes of release, manifestation, and tapping into one’s inner power, which could translate into a more proactive approach to life’s challenges or ambitions during this time.

Balance plays out in the metaphorical dance of the sun and moon:

In the grand ballroom of life, where the sun’s fiery gaze meets the moon’s gentle caress, the human body waltzes to the rhythm of the tides—those of the sea and those within. The sun, with its radiant energy, fuels our days, while the moon, in its silvery splendor, guides our nights. Together, they conduct the celestial orchestra that orchestrates the ebb and flow of our inner seas.

I wish I knew why SIGHT and RAINBOWS are in my purse, but duty follows the line I was given from every part of my LIFE experience, and sometimes, I march forward in HIGH HEEL BOOTS with my man hands.

Lunar legends and lore have surrounded the full moon for centuries, captivating the imagination and inspiring many beliefs and traditions. From ancient civilizations to modern-day cultures, the full moon has been shrouded in mystique, sparking curiosity and fascination about its potential effects on human behavior and the world around us.

As we march forward, let us GIVE GLORY TO YAHWEH in everything, including the healings that come in every area that needs TISSUES.

In addition to its spiritual and emotional significance, the full moon has also been intertwined with prophecies and predictions in various folklore and mythologies. Throughout history, many have speculated about the full moon’s influence on prophetic visions and divinations, with some believing that it holds the power to unveil hidden truths and foretell the future; like HEMAN and SHERA, the Skeletor was always after them!!!

From my observation, pheromones, cats in heat, and The TOMS that come around on the full moons are weird 100.%. Still, I was foretold to WAIT and PRAY for the DAY is coming when HIS VOICE will be heard in THE TEMPLE, then DUTY sets in for the NEXT SPIN around the mountain with deeds, steeds, and jingle bells that put spells on HIGH.

Now, let’s lighten the mood with a few lunar-themed jokes since I saw TWO candlesticks set down with EASE and PEACE near the sea of green:

– Why did the moon break up with the sun?

Because it couldn’t handle the constant daylight!

somebody check the garlic yet?

– What did one moon say to the other moon?

“I’m over the moon for you!”

~nO BUTT PASTE needed~~~ oh stop!!!

– How does the moon cut his hair?

Eclipse it!

~call my BROTHER!

– Why did the moon go to school?

To get a little light reading in!

~~~~critical importance information BELOW!!! 200%

Candlesticks and BUSHELS have meanings beyond our SEEINGS 100%, and untwisting THE WORD is essential!

As for prophecies, tales of seers and prophets gazing upon the full moon and receiving enigmatic visions have been woven into the fabric of folklore and in REAL LIVING COLOR on SPACES and PLACES worldwide.

While many view such stories as fanciful myths, the allure of prophecy and the mysterious allure of the moon continue to capture the imagination of individuals worldwide. Let us remember to PRAY for those who come to our minds. I promise you that YAHWEH doesn’t like to make you blind!

People speculated about the full moon’s potential to reveal hidden truths and offer glimpses into the future. Whether through readings of celestial omens or interpretations of dreams and visions under the moon’s glow, the idea of the full moon as a catalyst for prophecy has endured through the ages, adding an intriguing layer to the lunar mystique.

The concept of prophecy, like the enigmatic allure of the full moon, embodies the timeless fascination with the unknown and the belief in the possibility of tapping into forces beyond our comprehension.

While the debate over the full moon’s influence on prophecy continues, its enduring symbolism as a harbinger of mystery and revelation continues to enchant and mystify those who gaze upon its luminous form.

I could talk for hours on the speculative view of WHAT IS TO COME, but I like the hand that is my view for now as the choo choo keeps on MOVING.

—————————————————- like this TALL TALE ———————

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between lush green hills, a young girl named Lily was fascinated by the wondrous world above. Lily had always been captivated by the celestial bodies that adorned the night sky, and her favorite of them all was the full moon.

One evening, as the warm glow of the sunset faded, the villagers eagerly anticipated the arrival of the Strawberry Moon, named after the wild strawberries that ripened around the same time. The Strawberry Moon was said to bestow magical qualities and bring forth abundance and prosperity to those who gazed upon its radiant beauty.

As the night fell, the villagers gathered in the village square, their faces illuminated by the soft, silvery light of the full moon. Lily, too, joined the festivities, her eyes sparkling with wonder as she beheld the enchanting sight of the Strawberry Moon rising gracefully above the horizon.

As the villagers reveled in the moon’s celestial dance, an air of mystique enveloped the gathering. Stories of ancient legends and prophecies were shared, adding an aura of fascination to the already magical night. It was believed that dreams were vivid under the Strawberry Moon’s glow, and the veil between worlds grew thin, allowing glimpses of the future.

Lily, always drawn to tales of mystery and magic, found herself lost in the enchanting folklore surrounding the Strawberry Moon. As the night unfolded, she listened intently to the elders recounting ancient prophecies and the moon’s role in guiding the destinies of those who believed.

Amidst the festivities, an unexpected hush fell over the village square. It was as if the moon itself had cast a spell over the gathering, filling the hearts of the villagers with a sense of anticipation and wonder.

Then, just as the midnight hour approached, a shooting star streaked across the night sky, leaving a trail of silver light in its wake. In that moment, the villagers believed that the Strawberry Moon had bestowed upon them a special blessing, a promise of hope and good fortune in the days to come.

As the night drew to a close, the villagers dispersed, grateful for the enchanting experience that had brought them together. Lily, her heart brimming with newfound wonder, returned home, carrying with her the magic of the Strawberry Moon and the timeless tales of prophecy that had painted the night with whimsy and enchantment.

From that moment on, the Strawberry Moon became more than just a celestial spectacle to the villagers. It stood as a reminder of the enduring power of belief, the allure of the unknown, and the magic that dwells within the heart of every dreamer. And as the moon cast its gentle glow upon the Earth, Lily knew that she would forever cherish the memory of that extraordinary night when the Strawberry Moon weaved its spell of wonder and possibility.

So, Jack, be nimble. JACK, be QUICK; Jack jumps over the CANDLE STICK; let us not be so quick to THINK WE KNOW THE WHOLE SHOW!

Candlesticks and the candles they hold have a rich history of symbolism in various spiritual traditions. They often bridge the physical and spiritual realms, serving as a conduit for prayer, meditation, and manifesting intentions.

Use what you HAVE 💖Anna Marie

Here’s a summary of their meanings related to the spirit world:

  • White Candles: These are commonly associated with purity, peace, and protection. They are used to connect with lunar and Goddess energies, for healing and new beginnings, and to call on spirit guides.
  • Color Symbolism: Different candle colors are believed to correspond to specific energies and intentions. For example, red may symbolize passion and strength, while blue might represent healing and tranquility.
  • The Flame: The dancing flame of a candle is likened to the energy of a person’s spirit or soul. It represents transformation, as fire transforms materials and our spirits grow and change over time.
  • The Wax: Symbolizes the physical human body, which can be molded and shaped, allowing us to experience the physical world.
  • The Wick: Acts as a bridge between the body and spirit, connecting the tangible wax with the intangible flame.

In rituals, candles are action-oriented and can set something in motion or call in energy, and if you are a nerd, the implications are GROW RICH THREADS. They play a crucial role in ceremonies by focusing the mind and promoting relaxation.

The light of a candle is also seen as a guide; illuminating the path for spirits and deities in various cultural practices can make your booty shake to try and make one’s day a special place in the WWW of STRINGS and theories that bring TRUE RINGING HARMONY!

Overall, candles and candlesticks are more than just decorative objects; they are powerful tools in spiritual practices, symbolizing the light within each person and the connection to the divine.

Whether used in formal rituals or personal reflection, they help to create a sacred space where the spiritual and physical worlds meet.

In the Bible, the term “candlestick” is often used to refer to a lampstand or a menorah. In the book of Exodus, YAHWEH instructs Moses to create a golden lampstand with seven branches for use in the Tabernacle. The lampstand is described as having *almond blossoms, cups, and bulbs and is to provide light in the sacred space. *Rabbit holes and sticks of FIRE in the UNIONS of SPIRIT and TRUTH are given to REMEMBER!!!

In the New Testament, the book of Revelation also mentions candlesticks, symbolizing the seven churches. Each candlestick represents a different church, and the light of the candlesticks is associated with Christ’s presence and the church’s spiritual condition.

The significance of candlesticks in the Bible is often associated with light, guidance, and spiritual illumination. The use of candlesticks symbolizes the presence of God, spiritual enlightenment, and the calling of the church to be a light in the world.

“This Little Light of Mine” is a traditional gospel song that carries a message of encouragement, perseverance, and faith. The song’s lyrics convey the idea of letting one’s inner light shine despite challenges and obstacles. It is often associated with the civil rights movement and has been sung as a symbol of hope and empowerment. The song encourages individuals to let their light shine brightly and positively impact the world around them, representing their unique qualities or faith.

A bushel is a unit of volume used in the United States’ customary and British imperial systems of measurement. It is typically used to measure dry commodities such as grain, fruits, and vegetables. In the United States, a bushel is equivalent to 32 quarts, 8 gallons, or 4 pecks, and it is often denoted as “bu.” The specific weight or quantity of a bushel can vary depending on the type of product being measured. For example, a bushel of wheat is different from a bushel of apples due to differences in their density and volume.

The song “This Little Light of Mine” is often associated with the spiritual and communal songs that were sung by African American slaves on plantations.

While it was not a plantation song itself, it shares similarities with many spirituals of that era in terms of themes and style. Here are a few plantation songs that share a similar spirit:

  • “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”: This is a well-known spiritual that speaks about the desire for freedom and release from the hardships of slavery1.
  • “Wade in the Water”: A song that was used to give instructions to runaway slaves on how to avoid capture and the route to take to make it to freedom.
  • “Go Down Moses”: This song draws parallels between the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and the slaves’ quest for freedom.

These songs, like “This Little Light of Mine,” were used to uplift the spirit, communicate, and foster a sense of hope and resilience among the African American community, especially during the civil rights movement. They have become enduring symbols of the struggle for justice and equality.

Take, for instance, Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, which has become a symbol of cultural resilience and is celebrated as the end of slavery in the United States in SO many ways TODAY!

It has been embraced as a part of American culture and history, reflecting the country’s ongoing journey towards equality and recognition of African American experience.

The assimilation of Juneteenth into mainstream culture can be seen as a positive step towards acknowledging and honoring the contributions and history of African Americans.

On the other hand, the removal of the Native American woman, known as Mia, from the Land O’Lakes butter packaging was a decision made by the company to better reflect its values and focus on its farmer-owned identity.

This change came after criticism that the image perpetuated stereotypes and was a form of cultural appropriation.

The decision to update the packaging aligns with broader movements to remove indigenous imagery from brands and sports teams, which many see as necessary steps towards respecting the dignity and rights of Native peoples.

The cultural normalization of Juneteenth and the removal of the Land O’Lakes imagery represent different aspects of America’s complex relationship with its diverse heritage.

While one signifies inclusion and celebration, the other addresses the need for respectful representation and the discontinuation of outdated stereotypes. Both actions reflect a broader societal shift towards greater cultural awareness and sensitivity.

The Land O’Lakes brand of butter is owned by the Land O’Lakes, Inc., which is a member-owned agricultural cooperative based in Arden Hills, Minnesota, United States.

The cooperative is owned by farmers and agricultural producers and is known for its dairy products, including butter, cheese, and other agricultural supplies.

Land O’Lakes, Inc. is also involved in other agricultural activities such as crop inputs, animal nutrition, and food production.

The life of JOSHUA ~ Jesus ~ YESHUA provides a powerful example of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the value of assimilating and moving forward as part of the principle of not committing murder, as conveyed in the biblical commandment “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). HE taught the importance of love, compassion, and forgiveness, even in the face of betrayal, hatred, and violence.

Through his teachings and actions, HE displayed a commitment to non-violence and the transformative power of forgiveness. HIS emphasis on loving one’s enemies and praying for those who persecute you emphasizes the importance of reconciliation and moving forward from conflict.

Additionally, THE teachings on the importance of inner transformation and renewal of the heart contribute to the understanding that assimilating and moving forward are integral to living out the principle of non-violence.

By embracing forgiveness, seeking reconciliation, and striving for inner peace, individuals can embody the spirit of the commandment against murder and contribute to a more harmonious and just society.

Overall, the life THE HELPER provides a profound example of how embracing forgiveness, reconciliation, and the transformative power of love can help individuals and communities move forward in a manner that aligns with the principle of non-violence and the prohibition against murder.

So shine BRIGHT little chitlins and bear HUG someone TODAY!

Salt, the mineral of the earth, courses through our veins, a testament to the ocean from whence we came.

CHRIST is referred to by numerous names and titles in the Bible and Christian tradition, although HE HIMSELF had a weird taste for TITLES.

  • Some of these names include:
  • 1. Jesus of Nazareth
  • 2. Messiah
  • 3. Son of God
  • 4. Son of Man
  • 5. Emmanuel
  • 6. Prince of Peace
  • 7. Lamb of God
  • 8. Savior
  • 9. Redeemer
  • 10. The Word
  • 11. Alpha and Omega
  • 12. Light of the World
  • 13. The Good Shepherd
  • 14. The Way, the Truth, and the Life
  • 15. King of Kings
  • 16. Lord of Lords
  • 17. The Vine
  • 18. The Resurrection and the Life
  • 19. The Bread of Life
  • 20. The Living Water
  • These are just a few of the many names and titles ascribed to POWER in the Bible and Christian theology, each reflecting different aspects of his nature, purpose, and significance in the Christian faith that has been twisted just a bit on the crooked path into the WILD cultures of OTHERS.

HE is a central figure in Christianity and is considered the Son of GOD, aka YAHWEH, who sent HIS SON, CHRIST, to Earth to save humanity.

Christ is a title derived from the Greek word “Christos,” which means “anointed one.” In Christian belief, Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the promised Messiah who fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament.

So, “Jesus” refers to the historical figure, while “Christ” is a title that highlights his divine role and significance in Christian theology, JOSHUA and Melchizedek are figures mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis and the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament.

HE is described as a King and a Priest, and he is mentioned in relation to Abraham.

Melchizedek is an important figure in Christian and Jewish theology and has been interpreted in various ways throughout history.

Some traditions regard him as a prefiguration of Christ, while others see him as a mysterious and enigmatic figure.

  • Other cultures have:
  • 1. Buddha
  • 2. Krishna
  • 3. Zeus
  • 4. Odin
  • 5. Quetzalcoatl

So whatever COLOR of The RAINBOW you are on, it appears LOVE WINS!

Frequencies are sometimes claimed to be capable of killing parasites through a process known as frequency therapy or bioresonance or cans of whoop arse ~ not so sure about the Tesla MED BEDS yet ~ we will SEE the frequency ~ if LIES are POURED OUT.

Proponents of this approach believe that specific frequencies can target and disrupt the cellular structure of parasites, leading to their destruction, like the PIGS and THE WATER!

Therefore, it’s essential to approach such claims with a critical mindset and consult qualified healthcare professionals for effective parasite treatment options, YET PROOF IS me; you see, I really am WEIRDLY READY to jump over the

  • candle stick
  • candlesticks
  • candle sticks
  • candle stuck
  • candlewick
  • candle wick
  • mandalic
  • padded stick
  • cancer stick
  • amnestic
  • anamnestic
  • cattle tick
  • candles stuck
  • Alexander Dick
  • vandalistic
  • Francis Dick
  • Antolik
  • gambrel stick
  • Randall Smith ~ HOW HIGH DO YOU WANT TO JUMP in this dipstick land?

Dwell in a HIGH and HOLY PLACE!!!!!

​​Isaiah 57:15 ~ Isaiah 57:15 in the Bible states: “For this is what the high and exalted One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.'”

Contrite SPIRIT and HUMBLEness

Humility is a virtue characterized by modesty, meekness, and an unassuming manner. It involves a recognition of one’s own limitations and a lack of pride or arrogance. A humble person is typically respectful towards others and does not boast about their accomplishments. Humility is often seen as a positive trait in many cultures and is associated with genuine self-awareness and a willingness to learn from others.

Humility is KEY ~ GOD is HUMBLE

Draw near THE LORD, the PRESENCE, and the reciprocal strings of HUGS form.

When fire and air come into contact, the air provides the oxygen that the fire needs to burn. This combination can result in the fire growing stronger and burning more fiercely due to the increased oxygen supply.

In some cases, the interaction between fire and air can lead to the rapid spread of flames, depending on the specific conditions and the presence of flammable materials……

Consider the Matches and the CARBON that covers the smell of FARTS…..

FAST ACTION RESPONSE TEAMS and REALITY are here to stay and will move forward if we are lucky!

When a match is struck, the friction ignites the match head, causing it to produce flame. This flame is the result of the combustion of the match head’s ingredients, which often include phosphorus sesquisulfide, potassium chlorate, sulfur, and glass powder. When the match burns, it releases carbon dioxide and other byproducts into the air. In a similar way, when a person passes gas (commonly referred to as a “fart”), it also releases gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the air. While the situations are quite different, they both involve the release of gases as a result of combustion or chemical reactions.

The human gut contains a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microscopic organisms. These microorganisms, often referred to as gut flora or gut microbiota, play a crucial role in various bodily functions, such as digestion, metabolism, and immune system regulation. The interactions between these microorganisms and the human body can lead to a wide range of reactions, including the production of essential nutrients, modulation of the immune response, and even influencing mental health.

The diverse community of microorganisms in the gut can be likened to a “mut” (a term possibly referring to mutations or variations) or a batch of MIXED DOGS in that the interactions and reactions between different species of microorganisms and the human body can result in a complex and dynamic system.

Just like mutations can lead to diverse genetic variations in organisms, the interactions within the gut can lead to a wide array of reactions and responses that are essential for overall health and well-being.

Sometimes, WILD DOGS need HEALING HUGS filled with SALT to KILL THE LEACHES!

Wild dogs, also known as African wild dogs or painted dogs, are highly social pack animals that are known for their cooperative hunting behavior and close-knit pack structure. They are skilled hunters and often work together to pursue and take down prey.


  • Spanish: Ve con Dios.
  • French: Va avec Dieu.
  • German: Geh mit Gott.

It is evident that the full moon holds deep and varied significance across different cultures, traditions, and spiritual beliefs. From its association with natural phenomena such as the strawberry moon to its symbolic connection to unity, empowerment, and divine communication, the full moon continues to intrigue and inspire us.

As we continue to explore its spiritual and emotional meanings, may we find unity in its mystique and embrace the universal themes of introspection, empowerment, and connection that it symbolizes.

Don’t be scared to DANCE with LEAD FEET.

Here are some key properties of lead:

  • Melting Point: 327.46 °C (621.43 °F)
  • Boiling Point: 1749 °C (3180 °F)
  • Density: 11.34 g/cm³ at 20 °C
  • Atomic Mass: Approximately 207.2 u
  • Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2
  • Oxidation States: -4, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4 (an amphoteric oxide)

Lead has been used by humans for thousands of years and has various applications, from construction materials to batteries. However, lead is toxic to humans and animals, and its use has decreased significantly due to health concerns. Lead exposure can cause serious health issues, including neurological damage, especially in children.

Lead is a chemical element with the symbol Pb (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82.

Lead is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. It is also soft and malleable and has a relatively low melting point. When freshly cut, lead appears shiny gray with a hint of blue, but it tarnishes to a dull gray color when exposed to air.

The sun is related to vitamin D because it is our primary natural source of this essential nutrient. When the skin is exposed to UVB (ultraviolet B) rays from the sun, it synthesizes vitamin D.

Here’s a brief explanation of the process:

  1. Synthesis in the Skin: A form of cholesterol in the skin cells absorbs UVB photons from sunlight exposure. This leads to the transformation of the cholesterol into an inactive form of vitamin D known as pre-vitamin D3.
  2. Conversion to Active Form: The inactive pre-vitamin D3 is then converted into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is metabolized in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (the circulating form found in the blood) and finally in the kidneys to its biologically active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.

The amount of vitamin D synthesized from sun exposure can vary depending on several factors, including the time of day, skin pigmentation, latitude, and season. For example, just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure in the spring and summer can produce 1,000 IU of vitamin D.

However, during the fall and winter, much longer exposure is required to achieve the same levels; get a sun lamp if you need one, but CLING to the LIGHT that The HOLY SPIRIT SENDS, because this roller coaster needs family to fill the carts on the CARS!

It’s important to balance sun exposure to maintain adequate vitamin D levels while also protecting the skin from the potential harmful effects of too much UV radiation.

Salt doesn’t directly help with vision, but in some cultures, there is a belief that placing a grain of salt in the corner of the eye can relieve eye redness or irritation.

I recommend fixing your magnesium intake as you detox from this STINKY WORLD!

Salt holds significant cultural importance in various traditions around the world.

For example, in Japanese culture, salt, known as “shio,” is used in purification rituals and is believed to ward off evil spirits.

In some parts of Africa, salt is used in traditional ceremonies and as a symbol of hospitality.

In European cultures, there are superstitions about spilling salt and the need to throw a pinch of salt over the left shoulder to ward off bad luck.

These are just a few examples of how salt is intertwined with cultural traditions across the globe.

Just as one would be mindful of the substances used to preserve and flavor a sacred temple, it’s important to be mindful of the substances, such as salt, consumed in the body because treating the body with care and respect, including being mindful of the SUGAR and SALT intake, aligns with the idea of honoring the body as a temple and truly gives one SIGHT, if you ask for it.

In the Bible, salt is often used as a symbol of purity, preservation, and hospitality. In the Old Testament, salt is mentioned in various contexts, including as a crucial ingredient in offerings and covenants.

For example, salt is mentioned as a necessary component of offerings to the Lord in the book of Leviticus. Additionally, in the New Testament, Jesus refers to his followers as the “salt of the earth,” emphasizing their role in preserving goodness and bringing flavor to the world. The Bible mentions salt, reflecting its significance in ancient cultures and its enduring symbolism in religious and spiritual contexts.

In many cultures and belief systems, the human body is often referred to as a temple, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one’s physical and spiritual well-being.

In this context, the habit of salting every meal can be related to the concept of maintaining the “temple” of the body.

Just as one would be mindful of the substances used to preserve and flavor a sacred temple, it’s important to be mindful of the substances, such as salt, consumed in the body because treating the body with care and respect, including being mindful of the SUGAR and SALT intake, aligns with the idea of honoring the body as a temple and truly gives one SIGHT, if you ask for it.

Celtic salt, also known as Celtic Sea salt or “sel gris” (French for “gray salt”), is a type of sea salt that is harvested from coastal areas, traditionally near the Celtic Sea in France. It’s known for its gray coloring, which comes from the clay found in the salt flats where it is collected. The salt’s color and texture are due to the minerals absorbed from the clay lining the beds of the tidal areas where it is harvested.

Here are some key points about Celtic salt:

  • Mineral Content: Celtic salt is less processed than table salt, allowing it to retain higher moisture and trace minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. However, these minerals are present only in very small amounts.
  • Health Claims: Some claims suggest that Celtic salt can offer health benefits over regular table salt due to its trace mineral content and lower processing. However, the differences in mineral content are not significant enough to have a substantial health impact.
  • Usage: Due to its distinct flavor and texture, Celtic salt is often used as a finishing salt in cooking, adding a burst of flavor to dishes.
  • Barbara O’Neill, a naturopath and nutritionist, has shared her views on salt in several presentations. She emphasizes the importance of salt water for the human body, highlighting that seawater is an isotonic solution with the same mineral balance as the blood and the fluids in and out of the cells1. She advocates for the benefits of using Celtic salt, which contains 82 minerals, over table salt, which contains only two minerals (sodium and chloride). According to O’Neill, Celtic salt can help hydrate the cells, balance blood pressure, enhance taste buds, aid digestion, and transport glucose.

It’s important to note that while Celtic salt may have a unique taste and texture, it is still primarily sodium chloride and should be consumed with other salts to maintain a healthy sodium intake.

The “tides of salt” within the human body can be thought of as the delicate balance of sodium and water that is essential for our physiological functions. This balance can be disrupted by various factors, leading to health issues. Here’s a poetic interpretation of how this balance plays out in the metaphorical dance of the sun and moon:

The “tides of salt” within the human body can be thought of as the delicate balance of sodium and water that is essential for our physiological functions. This balance can be disrupted by various factors, leading to health issues.

In the grand ballroom of life, where the sun’s fiery gaze meets the moon’s gentle caress, the human body waltzes to the rhythm of the tides—those of the sea and those within. The sun, with its radiant energy, fuels our days, while the moon, in its silvery splendor, guides our nights. Together, they conduct the celestial orchestra that orchestrates the ebb and flow of our inner seas.

Salt, the mineral of the earth, courses through our veins, a testament to the ocean from whence we came. It is the conductor of electricity, the spark of nerve impulses, the balance of fluids that swell and recede like the tides pulled by the moon’s unseen strings12.

But when the tides of salt rise too high, they beckon the waters to follow, swelling the banks of our bloodstream, straining against the shores of our vessels. The heart, that tireless drummer, beats harder, faster, echoing the drumming waves against the cliffs in the moonlight34.

And so, the dance goes on—a delicate pas de deux between the elements within us and the celestial bodies above.

The sun’s warmth and the moon’s glow, the salt’s whisper and the water’s flow, all move in harmony, a dance of life, a dance of balance, a dance of survival. I choose to climb out of every dark box the world tries to put me in.

In scientific terms, the body regulates salt levels through a complex interplay of mechanisms that affect hormones and metabolism. A high salt intake can raise blood pressure, which over time can damage the body and lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems1. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon, while powerful enough to affect ocean tides, does not have a direct impact on the human body’s internal salt balance5. However, the lunar cycle can influence human behavior and health, such as sleep patterns and mental health, which may indirectly affect how the body manages salt and water balance6.

The dance of the sun and moon, therefore, is a poetic metaphor for the complex and interconnected systems that govern our well-being, well, unless you SEE THINGS!!!

Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie (202) 709-HELP [4357] for Social Media Planning, Business Organization Collaboration, Grant Writing Services, Event Planning, or Community Outreach in or around Butler County, Pennsylvania. 💖 Anna Marie

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💖 Anna Marie
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Published by Anna Marie Let's Help Butler

I’m a creative thinker, designer, and planner based in Butler, Pennsylvania, and my goal is to work with people who are ready to take that NEXT step with their BLOOMING idea and TURN it into a reality. I have the proficiency to gain specific insight into your LOCAL Competitors, Customers, Supporters, and Fans, with the expertise to engage in dynamic relationship-building activities to get anything noticed using the most current advertising and marketing trends on and off of social media. With over two decades of dedicated employment, I know what it takes to GROW a brand, increase online engagement, and turn a passion into a profitable business. Cultivating the skill to commit comes naturally to me. Every project that I accept, I put my heart and soul into, and I’m ready to create your Personalized Growth Plan! At our first meeting, I will find out what your needs are. Then I’ll be able to formulate a personalized growth plan for that specific idea, believe me; my RATES are very reasonable. Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie