May the LORD hold the pressure that’s truly building in these lands full of weird hands and feet that like to dip into the deep without looking for THE HOLY SPIRIT that LIFTS the dirt from the EYEZ🕊️

Cancer sucks… but why did the Philistines give the arc back? = TUMORS and TWINS seem to circle back again, and again in these lands that carry SINS that SPIN around the winds carry TIME in lines. 🌈 ASK WHY NOW?

In life, those who push suicide and those paid ads that go with it are speaking curses for those rehearsed verses through the lines of time that can’t be denied, like the trees that just can’t hide in the roots of wind spins.

Many different types of trees are mentioned throughout the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament). Some of the most commonly mentioned trees include:

– Olive trees: Olive trees are mentioned frequently throughout the Hebrew Bible, and the oil produced from their fruit was an important commodity in ancient Israel. Olive trees were also seen as a symbol of peace and prosperity.

– Fig trees: Fig trees are mentioned many times in the Hebrew Bible, and the fruit they produce was a common food in ancient Israel. Fig trees were also seen as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

– Cedar trees: Cedar trees are mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible, and were highly valued for their strong, durable wood. They were often used in the construction of important buildings, such as the Temple in Jerusalem.

– Acacia trees: Acacia trees are mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible, and were highly valued for their wood, which was used to build the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred objects.

– Palm trees: Palm trees are mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible, and were highly valued for their fruit, which was a common food in ancient Israel. Palm trees were also seen as a symbol of victory and triumph.

Other trees mentioned in the Hebrew Bible include pomegranate trees, almond trees, myrtle trees, and willow trees, among others.

Citron trees are also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the context of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) where the fruit is one of the four species of plants used in the celebration. The citron, also known as the etrog, is a fragrant fruit similar to a lemon and still used in Jewish religious practices today. It is often used in Jewish religious practices and is one of the four species of plants used in the celebration of Sukkot. Citron is also used in cooking and as a flavoring agent in various food and beverage products.

In Jewish tradition, the Maror (bitter herb) is a food item eaten during the Passover Seder to represent the bitterness of slavery experienced by the Israelites in Egypt. The Maror is often made from horseradish or another bitter herb, and is meant to symbolize the harshness of the Israelites’ enslavement. When eaten with matzah and charoset, the Maror helps to fulfill the commandment to eat the Passover sacrifice with bitter herbs.

Human traditions can be seen as shallow if they are not grounded in deeper values or principles.  

Shallow traditions may lack meaning or purpose and can be easily forgotten or discarded. On the other hand, traditions that are rooted in strong values and principles can provide a sense of continuity and connection to the past and can help to shape and guide individuals and communities in meaningful ways.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that citron has any significant healing properties. However, in Jewish tradition, the citron (etrog) is used as part of the celebration of Sukkot and is considered to have symbolic value in religious practices. Some Jewish sources suggest that the citron has certain spiritual properties, such as the ability to promote joy and happiness, and to help bring about spiritual cleansing and renewal. While there is no empirical evidence to support these claims, the citron remains an important symbol in Jewish religious practice.

Lemon and lime are both citrus fruits that are often used in holistic practices for their health benefits. While they may not necessarily stimulate neurons, they are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can help support overall brain health.

Some studies have suggested that the flavonoids found in citrus fruits like lemons and limes may have neuroprotective effects, helping to protect the brain from damage and degeneration. Additionally, the high levels of vitamin C in these fruits may help to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can contribute to a number of neurological disorders with weird names that have no man-made cure.

In holistic medicine, lemons and limes are often used in detoxification protocols. They are believed to help support the liver and kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body. They are also thought to have a cleansing effect on the digestive system, which in turn can help improve overall health and well-being.

There are no specific Christian principles or teachings that are linked to lemon or lime in particular, unless you count prophecy and it’s hard to get anyone to touch this debate. However, both fruits have been used in various Christian traditions and practices.

For example, in some Christian cultures, lemon is used as a symbol of the bitterness of sin, and is often used in Lenten practices as a reminder of the need for repentance and spiritual cleansing. In addition, the sour taste of lemons can be seen as a metaphor for the suffering of Christ on the cross.

Similarly, lime has also been used in Christian traditions as a symbol of repentance and renewal. In some parts of the world, lime is used as part of the sacramental rite of confession, where it is used to cleanse the hands of the penitent before they confess their sins.

Overall, while there are no specific Christian principles that are directly linked to lemon or lime, these fruits have been used in various ways within Christian traditions to symbolize repentance, cleansing, and renewal, and I’m betting on the MARRED BEHAVIOR of BITTER LULU’s will META one day (changing from the inside out), kinda like the WHITE PINE full of BALANCE!

White pine, also known as Eastern white pine, is a type of evergreen tree that is native to North America. It can grow up to 200 feet tall and is known for its long, soft needles and distinctive cone-like shape.

White pine has been used for a variety of purposes throughout history. Native American tribes used the needles and bark of the tree for medicinal purposes, and also used the wood to make bows, baskets, and other objects. European settlers later used the wood to build homes, barns, and other structures.

In addition to its historical uses, white pine also has a number of potential health benefits. The needles of the tree are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, and helps boost the immune system and fight off infectionsThe bark of the tree has also been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including coughs, colds, and fevers.

When the body is SICK, it acts like a boiling pot of HOT SNOT while our TONE and infliction in the heart come to the TIPS of our lips, ready to spit BITTER sour darts!

Respect is earned by consistently demonstrating positive qualities and behaviors such as honesty, integrity, kindness, and fairness. 

Remember, Inclement Sins Kill, I see RISK.

By the rules of nature, I am fully aware of who I am meant to be in this life. Knowing I get what I deserve puts me in warrior mode daily, for my ride has been a wild, cracked teacup in this mad world.

I understand that my happiness in this LIFE on the road to death is not bent with sticks and stones or words that can hurt me, for my bubble of protection is beautiful despite the sorrow of grace.

I choose to RISK a lot to HELP introduce you to The KING!

HOLY THREADS OF ONENESS are beautiful harmonious chords to THE KING!

Even in our trials, we must RETURN the void with LOVE!

May the GOD of PEACE fill our tiny broken cups with healing mud that brings A BIG good report to the clay with overfilling pleasures of JOY forevermore!

Tuning the antenna on our end is required….

So go take a spin in the winds of TIME under YAHWEH’s WINGS 🕊.

The House Under GOD Stands = HUGS 💜 are beautiful in any form; we can SHARE the LOVE of CHRIST!

R>E>S>P>E>C>T can also be earned through hard work, dedication, and achievement in a particular field. 

It’s important to remember that respect is not something that can be demanded or forced but rather earned through our actions and the way we treat others.

Everything in LIFE is meant to happen, yet those with HEART truly shine in any limelight delight, except for fright, which proves sour milk hurts guts and true TWISTED MUTTS get stuck in the mud that floods EYEZ.  

Today, white pine is still a popular tree for lumber and construction and is also used in landscaping and as a chri$tma$ tree.  

May The PEACE of YAHWEH cover those who know the truth in cutting the silver cords that dangle fangles into the spring for rubber rings or ducks that duck under bridges for rivers of water in disguise, see motives give wiggle room in profit and loss syndromes, and a TRUE open dialog can allow for honesty to shine and demons to kick to the curb, our family axed the money UNHOLY days for YESHUA!  

I will NOT regret taking a STAND to break generational curses for my family!

When Humans choose to lie about THE WORD, they appear to fail every time in the eyes of The SUBLIME vine of all the ROOTED TREES.

WARRIORS rising in this RING of TIME LINES is a beautiful thing!

Pines belong to the Pinaceae family of trees, while citron is a fruit that belongs to the Rutaceae family of plants, and they both have RINGS that show their apparent AGE. 

The rings on a tree trunk can tell us a lot about the tree’s age and growth patterns.

Forest Trail by Jules Hilliard
Forest Trail is 14×18 inches, oil on stretched canvas. This painting depicts a stepped trail made of logs, through a pine forest. $138.50

Each ring represents one year of the tree’s life, and by counting the rings, we can determine the tree’s age. The size and spacing of the rings can also tell us about the tree’s growth rate and the environmental conditions it experienced during each year of its life. For example, a vast ring may indicate a year with favorable growing conditions, while a narrow ring may indicate a year with drought or other stressors. Additionally, the pattern of the rings can reveal information about the tree’s growth habits, such as whether it experienced periodic growth spurts or grew steadily over time. By studying the rings on a tree trunk, scientists can gain valuable insights into the history of a particular forest or ecosystem and better understand how environmental changes can impact tree growth and survival; maybe our fingerprints are the same to YAHWEH. 

Pine trees and citron trees have distinct growth patterns that can be used to estimate their age based on the rings on their trunks, and you’d be surprised which one RISES in spite of blight. 

Pine trees typically have a single growth spurt each year, resulting in one thick ring and one thin ring. By counting the number of rings on a pine tree, you can estimate its age relatively accurately. However, it’s important to note that environmental factors such as drought or fire can cause growth to slow or stop temporarily, resulting in thinner or missing rings. This can make it challenging to accurately determine the age of a pine tree.

Citron trees, also known as etrog or citronella trees, are native to the Mediterranean region and are commonly cultivated for their fruit. Like pine trees, citron trees typically produce one thick ring and one thin ring each year. However, the rings on citron trees can be more difficult to count accurately due to their irregular shape and size. Additionally, citron trees can continue to produce fruit for decades, making it difficult to determine their age based solely on the rings on their trunk.

In general, tree age can be estimated more accurately by using multiple methods, such as counting rings, measuring tree height and diameter, and examining the overall health and growth patterns of the tree. Additionally, it’s important to consider factors such as environmental conditions, disease, and human activity that can impact tree growth and survival over time.

The phrase “grow like a citron” is often used to describe someone who is steady, consistent, and resilient. Citron trees are known for their slow and steady growth, with one thick ring and one thin ring produced each year. This consistent growth pattern allows the tree to develop a strong, durable trunk and deep roots that can withstand harsh environmental conditions.

In a broader sense, the idea of “growing like a citron” can be seen as a metaphor for personal growth and development. By taking a steady, consistent approach to personal growth, we can develop resilience, perseverance, and a strong foundation that can help us weather the challenges and setbacks of life.

Growing like a citron also involves taking a long-term view and focusing on sustainable growth rather than short-term gains. Just as a citron tree takes years to reach maturity and produce fruit, personal growth and development often require patience, persistence, and a willingness to invest in ourselves over time.

Overall, the concept of growing like a citron encourages us to embrace a steady, sustainable approach to personal growth and development, and to cultivate the resilience and strength needed to thrive in challenging circumstances.

Pines are evergreen trees that are known for their needle-like leaves and woody cones. They are widely distributed throughout the world and are an important source of timber, pulp, and other products.
America, SPRING UP & SEE what JESUS is saying to YOU around Easter, the TIME for Rising UP.

Pines are also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, and are believed to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other health-promoting properties.

Citron, on the other hand, is a fragrant fruit that is similar in appearance to a lemon and someting to take with SALT every day!. NA.NA> HEY HEY almost GOODBYE….

TREES TODAY are commonly used in herbal medicines and as a dietary supplements, and are believed to have a variety of potential health benefits if you can see beyond the push for weird control, because having Tea & Toast over avocado roast chicken allows germ theory to ferment rancid lies with money ties, by shackles and shackles.

Lyrics of SPIRIT come to me, oh HOLY SPIRIT of YAHWEH!

Many branches of pine needles show the top of the cross when SPRING RINGS through for a fresh pot of tea is given for THE three STRINGS of harmony! 

The 💜 HOUSE UNDER GOD STANDS☔ in these lands where WARRIORS rise!


REASONS and SEASONS on this ROLLER COASTER adventure is a game we all play in this LIFE full of STRIFE, so WARRIORS on the BUS are a MUST, so sow seeds from The Holy Spirit to get real EVERLASTING POWER that truly gives good harvests by the nanosecond when the grapes get a little sour. 

Remember, tears are good water in the pot of hot snot!

BALANCE of light frequency and reflective surfaces need stillness to get through the darkness when posts of duty have been worn down by the cares of the world that blow away the crushed sands of time.

YAHWEH’s Decrees MUST trickle down to the frown town clowns of now. 

Peculiar People are JUST peachy, and that is a sweet HARVEST for TODAY or tommorows harvest is a basket full of fruitcakes in wait.

Speaking our tomorrow into today, now that is sweet meat.

FOUNTAINS of SALVATION are markers in TIME for YAHWEH’S rhymes!

I like that HE truly kicks our cans into the streets to get swept up by the cleaner! 


Discern the whisper to discern HIS VOICE, and stay aware of the green screen full of madness, sadness, and a weird tint of gladness.

I just found out that no base vibrations are heard; they are felt. Now I see why the speakers were always needed….. FEELINGS

We do have the RIGHT to FIGHT for LEARNING about LIFE!

Are you ready to GET out of the strife?

🤦‍♀️May the PEACE of YAHWEH cover the loops with low-hanging fruit that likes to heap the dirt that hurts from the excursions of DIRTY mud that floods weird love.

Weirdos and money bring deviants into perceptional views of SCREWY hues.  

Remember, FOLKS, it’s a chessboard or an older model checkerboard. 

CHANCES and respecters of persons have GRAND PLANS that lie in the hands of the MASTER LOCKER MAKER, which has KEYS hidden near rainbows in a FULL spectrum of seven hues!

Hoping the most for the FAITH that RESTS in the hands of The HOLY SPIRIT.⚔️ Sounds like the WORLD is trying to keep humans’ minds off YESHUA. 🕊️ 

DEMANDS, POOLS, MUD, and SPIT are the days when you need CLEAN WATER and a flame to light THE WAY to HUGS!

🍋 JUST squeeze some LEMON in some PINE NEEDLE TEA to REALLY help you BREATHE 🫖 in these days that keep us sneezing.

JUST TALKING can sometimes be considered a “muddy game in the RAIN” because some humans aim to win rather than to seek the truth or reach a consensus. This can lead to tactics such as misrepresenting your opponent’s arguments, attacking their character, or using emotional appeals instead of logical reasoning. 

Any debate over sex can sometimes be considered weird or uncomfortable because it involves discussing personal and intimate topics that are often considered taboo in many cultures. 

Additionally, sex is often associated with strong emotions, which can lead to defensiveness, shame, or discomfort. It’s important to remember, however, that having open and honest conversations about sex can be important for promoting healthy relationships and preventing misunderstandings or harmful behavior. 

When engaging in debates or discussions about sex, it’s important to approach the topic with sensitivity, respect, and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. This can help create a safe and inclusive environment where all participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences.

Additionally, debates can become heated and emotional, which can cause participants to become defensive or aggressive instead of listening and engaging in productive dialogue. 

However, it’s important to note that not all debates have to be this way. 

When approached with a spirit of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn from others, debates can be a valuable tool for exploring diverse perspectives and finding common ground instead of going full street fighter mode.

The Hadouken or Hadoken (波動拳, Hadōken, IPA: [hadoːkẽꜜɴ], literally “wave motion fist” or “fist of surge”) was THE special attack sound I remember well. “Shoryuken!” or “Hadoken!” is Ryu’s signature fireball move in Capcoms STREET FIGHTER video game, which he calls out as he charges and releases it.

Chun Li says, “Yatta,” which is Japanese for “I did it.” The Hyakuretsukyaku (百裂脚, Hyakuretsukyaku? “Hundred Rending Legs”), commonly known as Lightning Kick, is one of her signature special BIRD attacks.

Smile more. Lays says – “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One.” Easter traditions of POTATO HEADS: see PETA, and don’t bring the Sweet Baby Rays!

To be fair, if you want to break generational curses, you won’t rehearse traditional verses of money holidays like Easter and Christmas, which have twisted lies into sweet disguises with sweet treats that eat your meat. 

Easter and Christmas have twisted lies into sweet disguises with sweet treats that eat your GUTS like MUTTS. Take it from me, if you can see my reality, and GET BETTER, friend.

​​YESHUA needs to kick a TIP a few places to square up HIS dealings.

Jobs of duty will bring sight to this TIMELINE! 

Climbing out of the SANDBOX hurts!  

SNUGGLES and dryer sheets make life soft. 

 HUGS in the mirrored world get weird, so be KIND and remember to rewind.

JUST keep praying while you play… ​​Pray for your SURROUNDINGS and for those that come to your mind… ALL THE TIME Remember, FOLKS, it’s all a game of LIFE; you choose if it’s SORRY or full of chutes and LADDERS. 🪜 GOTTA SLOW DOWN to JUMP HIGH!

Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie (202) 709-HELP [4357] for Social Media Planning, Business Organization Collaboration, Grant Writing Services, Event Planning, or Community Outreach in or around Butler County, Pennsylvania. 💖 Anna Marie

Published by Anna Marie Let's Help Butler

I’m a creative thinker, designer, and planner based in Butler, Pennsylvania, and my goal is to work with people who are ready to take that NEXT step with their BLOOMING idea and TURN it into a reality. I have the proficiency to gain specific insight into your LOCAL Competitors, Customers, Supporters, and Fans, with the expertise to engage in dynamic relationship-building activities to get anything noticed using the most current advertising and marketing trends on and off of social media. With over two decades of dedicated employment, I know what it takes to GROW a brand, increase online engagement, and turn a passion into a profitable business. Cultivating the skill to commit comes naturally to me. Every project that I accept, I put my heart and soul into, and I’m ready to create your Personalized Growth Plan! At our first meeting, I will find out what your needs are. Then I’ll be able to formulate a personalized growth plan for that specific idea, believe me; my RATES are very reasonable. Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie