Laundry Room ~ Hilliard Family 16053

This is a desperate plea for help!

Jules Hilliard and his family have suffered devastating losses due to the recurring floods in The Village of Renfrew.

Their laundry room, essential for clean clothes and hot water, was completely destroyed.

Now, they urgently need assistance to finish rebuilding it and move their utilities out of the basement to prevent further damage and sickness.

With no insurance, they rely on the kindness of others.

Your support, whether through donations or time, can make a world of difference TODAY, for a struggling family.

Let’s come together to help this family in need and show them they are not alone in this journey we call LIFE.

GoFundMe Link

They protect you and your donation.

💜 HUGS ☔ Anna Marie

Stone Soup

Once in a simple village, suspicious villagers were tricked into sharing food with clever travelers making stone soup. The Bible mentions the symbolic “White Stone,” representing victory and a new beginning. Obedience to God’s commandments invites the Holy Spirit into our lives. The concept of receiving a new name signifies a new identity and purpose in God’s plan. Examples include Abraham, Saul, and Simon receiving new names to reflect their missions and transformations. Revelation 2:17 promises a new name written on a White Stone to those who overcome. This symbolizes the Holy Spirit’s work in believers’ lives. In summary, biblical name changes reflect God’s intimate knowledge and His eternal plan of redemption.



This post shares a mix of spiritual reflections and information about trees, citron fruit, and traditional practices. It touches on the significance of various trees in the Hebrew Bible, the symbolic meanings of citron and other citrus fruits in Jewish and Christian traditions, and the potential health benefits of citrus fruits and pine trees. It also explores the growth patterns of pine and citron trees, as well as the idea of “growing like a citron” as a metaphor for steady personal growth. I try to emphasize the importance of respect and the need for open, sensitive discussions while acknowledging the challenges in certain debates like sex and rings.


Seeking spiritual guidance and advocating for balanced lifestyles are important, but let’s not demonize sugar or salt. The Holy Spirit and good health can go hand in hand, but remember, excessive sugar can lead to more than just weight gain – think tooth decay, heart disease, and even increased risk of cancer. And while salt is essential, too much can lead to health problems, so moderation is key. As for aluminum, it’s best to limit exposure to avoid potential health issues. Holistic healing focuses on diet and emotional well-being, but always consult a professional for medical concerns. And remember, love and positivity play a vital role in the journey to well-being. 💜 HUGS ☔


SHAKING like never before!


Symbolism, LOVE, and a SPLASH of humorous KNOWS that can reach TOES!

Name GAMES from the DIRT that HURT!

Taking a DIP in The Living WATER Helps clean the mud from the shovels of LIFE STRIFE!


Obey the cycles of fallow periods during land regeneration of verbose streams of consciousness and win over the sin of death.

Peace River

WARRIORS have STANDARDS of WATER purfication from The LOVE of YESHUA JESUS The Christ.


May The PEACE of the TRUE KING keep sending the RINGS that toll the BELLS in the right places in this weird station of LIFE. HUGS always matter, especially for those lost down on KenSINGton Street in the city of brotherly love. Mindset is a raw, complicated deal, especially when it’s engraved with PRIDE that …