Do others have issues, too? 

When do you realize it’s time to see others? 

When folks begin to heal from the inside out, disagreements feel less like an attack and more like problems that need a system of external validation and self-love. 

Trauma bonding and empathetic curves of knowledge and wisdom come together for a standing time of VICTORY beyond the reality of dark stains! 

I will never be ashamed of being me or speaking about YAHWEH, YESHUA, or The Holy Spirit, given the TWIST of JESUS BLOOD! 

Being simple does not mean I’m dumb, nor will I ever be held under the waters of those fools who don’t believe in anything. 

I pray The LORD restores all lost BECAUSE it’s getting hard out there.

Seeking the Holy Spirit begins with having faith in YAHWEH, accepting YESHUA as your Lord and Savior, and inviting the Holy Spirit into your heart as the power source that conquers every hour of darkness. 

You can deepen your relationship with Yahweh and the Holy Spirit through prayer, reading the Bible, and attending church. 

It’s important to surrender to the will of ELOHIM and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and actions. 

Trusting YAHWEH’s plan and following HIS teachings can lead to a fulfilling and spiritually rich life.

The connection to Yahweh is often described as an invisible bond between individuals and a higher power. 

Mind Threads

This connection allows our spirit to shine by providing us with a sense of purpose and meaning, which in turn helps us to feel more fulfilled and content in life. 

When we are connected to Yahweh, we are able to tap into a deeper sense of spirituality and find solace in times of hardship. 

This connection can manifest in many different ways, such as through prayer, meditation, or simply spending time in nature. 

Ultimately, the invisible connection to Yahweh allows our spirit to shine by providing us with a sense of guidance and support that helps us to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience.

I’m sorry, but AI cannot provide you with information on “sugar demons” as they are not a scientifically recognized concept, but those things that make your skin crawl really does say it all! For every FAST ACTION RESPONSE TEAM has to FART out BAD.

While excessive sugar consumption can have negative effects on our health, being P>C> politically correct or PART CHEESE is not accurate to describe it as something that possesses us or makes us behave in a certain way. Can I really, though? 

Many people find that relying on their faith can be a powerful source of strength and comfort in difficult times, including me, as I know where my STRENGTH comes from!

While it’s important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, it’s also important to approach such topics with as many fact-based and scientifically grounded perspectives as possible so that others can see reality and the Holy Spirit simultaneously.

Consuming sugar can lead to a temporary increase in blood sugar levels, which can cause a surge in energy and mood. 

However, this surge is often followed by a crash in blood sugar levels, which can cause feelings of fatigue, irritability, and even depression. In addition, consuming high amounts of sugar over time may lead to a higher risk of developing conditions such as anxiety and depression. 

Maintaining a balanced diet to regulate blood sugar levels and support emotional well-being is important.

Consuming high amounts of sugar on a regular basis can have several negative effects on the human body:

1. Weight gain: Sugar is high in calories, and consuming too much can lead to weight gain and obesity.

2. Increased risk of type 2 diabetes: Consuming too much sugar can cause insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

3. Tooth decay: Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.

4. Increased risk of heart disease: High sugar intake can lead to high blood pressure, inflammation, and high triglyceride levels, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.

5. Acne: High sugar intake can cause inflammation and hormonal changes that can lead to acne.

6. Increased risk of cancer: Some studies have suggested that high sugar intake may be linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

These are just a few of the reasons why excessive sugar consumption is harmful to the human body.

Our bodies need SALT (sodium chloride) to maintain proper fluid balance, transmit nerve impulses, and contract and relax muscles. 

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is an essential nutrient the human body needs to function correctly, and believe me, this journey for my family has been a WILD RIDE!

 It helps to maintain proper fluid balance in the body and is important for nerve and muscle function. The parasympathetic nervous system is one of the three divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It is responsible for regulating many of the body’s internal functions while the body is at rest and is often referred to as the “rest and digest” system. The parasympathetic nervous system helps to slow the heart rate, increase intestinal and gland activity, and promote relaxation and digestion. It works in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. The parasympathetic nervous system is controlled by the vagus nerve, which is the longest cranial nerve in the body.

Salt also regulates blood pressure and volume and helps transmit electrical impulses in the body. While farting may be considered embarrassing or unpleasant, it actually serves an important purpose in the body. When we eat, our body breaks down food and produces gas as a byproduct. This gas needs to be released from the body in order to prevent discomfort and bloating. Farting helps to release this gas, which can improve digestion and prevent stomach pain and discomfort. Additionally, farting can help to reduce bloating and can be a sign of a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

However, it’s important to consume salt in moderation, as excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems. Why?

There are several types of salt available on the planet. Some of the most common types of salt include:

1. Table Salt: This is the most common type of salt and is usually made from rock salt that has been refined to remove impurities and minerals. It is often iodized to prevent iodine deficiency.

2. Sea Salt: As the name suggests, sea salt is made by evaporating seawater. It is less processed than table salt and may contain trace amounts of minerals like magnesium and calcium.

3. Himalayan Pink Salt: This type of salt is mined from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. It has a pink color due to the presence of minerals like iron and magnesium.

4. Kosher Salt: Kosher salt is a coarse-grained salt that is used for koshering meat. It is less dense than table salt and is often used in cooking and baking.

5. Celtic Sea Salt: This type of salt is harvested from the coastal regions of France. It is unrefined and contains trace amounts of minerals like magnesium and calcium.

6. Fleur de Sel: This is a type of sea salt that is hand-harvested from the surface of salt ponds in France. It has a delicate texture and is often used as a finishing salt.

Aluminum is a naturally occurring metal that is widely used in various products, including cookware, food packaging, antacids, and personal care products. While small amounts of Aluminum are considered safe for consumption, exposure to high levels of Aluminum can be harmful to the body.  

Now, ask yourself why Aluminum is in the table salt that you eat daily.

The main concern with excessive aluminum exposure is its potential role in the development of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies have shown that Aluminum can accumulate in the brain and may contribute to the formation of beta-amyloid plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, exposure to high levels of Aluminum has been linked to other health problems, including kidney damage, bone disorders, and respiratory problems. 

Therefore, it is important to limit exposure to Aluminum by avoiding the use of aluminum cookware, minimizing consumption of processed foods that may contain high levels of aluminum additives, and using personal care products that are free from aluminum-based compounds.

Our bodies need trace minerals like magnesium and calcium for various essential functions. Magnesium and calcium are both essential for the nervous system to function properly. Calcium regulates the communication between neurons in the brain and helps to transmit nerve impulses throughout the body. Magnesium, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in regulating neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that transmit signals throughout the nervous system. Without adequate levels of magnesium and calcium, the nervous system can become imbalanced, leading to a variety of issues such as muscle spasms, twitching, and even seizures.

Since, magnesium is needed for proper muscle and nerve function, as well as for maintaining a healthy immune system. Both magnesium and calcium are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating neuronal activity and neurotransmitter release, which are critical for nerve signaling. Calcium, on the other hand, is essential for nerve impulse transmission and helps in the release of neurotransmitters. Together, these minerals ensure that the nervous system is functioning optimally and enable us to perform various bodily functions.

Calcium is also essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Without these trace minerals, our bodies wouldn’t be able to function correctly, and we could experience a range of health problems. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that we’re getting enough of these minerals through our diet or supplements. I have seen my medicine cabinet change throughout the years, and I’m truly THANKFUL to YAHWEH for leading me home!

The symbol Ba stands for the chemical element Barium. 

Barium is a soft, silvery-white metal that belongs to the alkaline earth metals group of elements in the periodic table. It has a high reactivity and is not found in nature in its pure form, but in the form of various minerals. Barium is used in a variety of industries, including medicine, electronics, and oil and gas production.

The symbol Al on the chart stands for the chemical element Aluminum. 

Aluminum is a silvery-white, lightweight metal that belongs to the boron group of elements in the periodic table. It is the third most abundant element on Earth and is widely used in various industries, including transportation, aerospace, construction, and packaging. Aluminum is also used in household items such as cookware, foil, and beverage cans.


Barium and Aluminum can be toxic if ingested or inhaled in high levels and may cause various health problems. It is important to follow safety guidelines and regulations set by relevant authorities to minimize exposure to these substances. 

Feeling safe yet?

The byproducts of certain industrial processes can be harmful and even deadly if not properly handled or disposed of. 

For example, certain chemicals may emit toxic gases or cause fires or explosions if they come into contact with air, water, or other substances. 

Inhaling or ingesting these byproducts can cause serious health problems, such as respiratory issues or even cancer, and thinking of TUMORS, where is The Ark Parked?

Additionally, if these byproducts are not disposed of properly, they can contaminate soil and water sources, leading to widespread environmental damage. 

Following proper safety protocols and regulations is crucial to prevent harm to humans and the environment. You decide what safety protocols are best for your family, and if you see something wrong, try to fix it as The Holy Spirit leads or get help from these legal AI tools that are available to help with legal research and analysis. 

These tools use machine learning algorithms to quickly scan and analyze vast amounts of legal data to provide insights and recommendations on legal issues.

Are you ready to STAND up and be a WARRIOR against the bullies in your LIFE?

Some examples of legal AI tools are:

1. Ross Intelligence – A legal research AI that can help lawyers quickly find relevant cases and statutes based on natural language queries. Ross Intelligence is a legal technology company that uses artificial intelligence to provide legal research services. Its platform, called Ross, uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand legal language and provide relevant case law and research results to lawyers and legal professionals. Ross can perform tasks such as answering legal questions, providing insights on legal cases, and suggesting relevant readings for legal research. The company’s goal is to make legal research more efficient and accessible and to help lawyers provide better services to their clients. To contact Ross Intelligence, you can visit their official website at or send an email to Additionally, you can connect with them on social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. They are also available by phone at +1 416-907-4795.

2. Lex Machina – An AI tool that provides insights into judges, lawyers, and parties involved in legal cases, as well as predicted outcomes based on historical case data. Lex Machina is a legal analytics company that provides data-driven insights to law firms, corporations, and public interest organizations. Its platform helps lawyers and legal professionals make data-backed decisions in areas such as intellectual property, employment, securities, and antitrust. By analyzing millions of litigation documents, Lex Machina can provide valuable information on judges, opposing counsel, parties, and trends in the legal industry. The company’s mission is to bring transparency to the law and help clients make more informed decisions. You can contact Lex Machina through their website at or by emailing them at They also have phone numbers listed on their website for their offices in Silicon Valley, New York, and London.

3. Blue J Legal – An AI tool that can help predict the tax outcomes of legal decisions based on past cases and statutes. Blue J Legal is a software company that uses artificial intelligence to help lawyers and other legal professionals predict the outcomes of tax and employment law cases. Their software analyzes vast amounts of legal data and uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions about how similar cases are likely to be resolved. This can help lawyers save time and make more informed decisions about how to proceed with a case, improving their chances of success and reducing the risk of costly mistakes. You can find Blue J Legal at their website,

It’s important to note that while these tools can be helpful in providing insights, they are not a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney. It’s always best to consult a legal expert for accurate and up-to-date information on legal standings and issues, and never forget The POWER of The HOLY SPIRIT given freely in THE LOVE and BLOOD!

Holistic approaches to healing often emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. This is because the foods we eat can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. In particular, excessive sugar consumption has been linked to a number of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and an increased risk of cancer, ask yourself how many cancer centers are near you?

Holistic healers often recommend reducing sugar intake as a way to prevent and address these health issues. They may also suggest incorporating natural, whole foods into the diet, such as fruits, vegetables, ANCIENT grains, herbs, and other natural remedies to support the body’s natural healing processes, along with LOVE, and HUGS.

In addition to dietary recommendations, holistic approaches to healing may also focus on addressing underlying emotional and psychological factors that can contribute to poor health, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This may involve meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness-based techniques, which can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

SEEK and TALK to YAHWEH daily in this RACE toward home.

Holistic healers may use various approaches to help individuals achieve balance and well-being in their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Love, as a concept, can be an important aspect of holistic healing. 

Holistic healers may emphasize the importance of self-love, compassion, and empathy towards others as part of the healing process. Individuals may experience reduced stress, improved mental health, and a greater sense of overall well-being by cultivating feelings of love and positivity. 

Some holistic healers may also use practices like meditation, energy healing, or spiritual guidance to promote feelings of love and connection to the self and others. 

However, it’s important to note that holistic healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, and individuals should always consult with a licensed healthcare professional for any medical concerns. LORD knows it’s hard to find anyone who takes payments for the things needed today, and this is a FIGHT we all must delight in.

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💖 Anna Marie
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Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie (202) 709-HELP [4357] for Social Media Planning, Business Organization Collaboration, Grant Writing Services, Event Planning, or Community Outreach in or around Butler County, Pennsylvania. 💖 Anna Marie

Published by Anna Marie Let's Help Butler

I’m a creative thinker, designer, and planner based in Butler, Pennsylvania, and my goal is to work with people who are ready to take that NEXT step with their BLOOMING idea and TURN it into a reality. I have the proficiency to gain specific insight into your LOCAL Competitors, Customers, Supporters, and Fans, with the expertise to engage in dynamic relationship-building activities to get anything noticed using the most current advertising and marketing trends on and off of social media. With over two decades of dedicated employment, I know what it takes to GROW a brand, increase online engagement, and turn a passion into a profitable business. Cultivating the skill to commit comes naturally to me. Every project that I accept, I put my heart and soul into, and I’m ready to create your Personalized Growth Plan! At our first meeting, I will find out what your needs are. Then I’ll be able to formulate a personalized growth plan for that specific idea, believe me; my RATES are very reasonable. Let’s Talk 💖 Anna Marie